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Guest RePost - Perhaps I Do Know What I’m Doing

Perhaps I Do Know What I’m Doing
TyKes Mom

Every mother has had one of those days (or so we like to tell ourselves) when you’re not feeling well and nothing seems easy.

Yesterday, it was clear that my first trimester symptoms have kicked into full gear. I was fatigued, nauseous, cranky and perpetually hungry. Our air conditioner broke and the temperatures hit 96 degrees so every hot flash I had was multiplied by a hundred. I was worried that our children were going to get over-heated so I kept them dangling in front of the tiny window unit meant to cool 150 square feet, but tasked with cooling 1,800. We set out to buy a new unit which included skipping nap time for both of the children. Cranky and screaming we went from store to store until we found a good deal on a great unit.

As the day progressed, my daughter showed signs of constipation. As a lover of bananas, it was bound to happen (no pun intended). The evening was spent massaging her stomach, feeding her prunes and apple sauce, and calming her tears. In the end, she prevailed and turned into giggles and smiles.

My son, after two over-stimulating nap-free days of staycation fun was clearly looking at an earlier bedtime. And Mommy was more than willing to see that through.

But, at the end of the day, I enter each of their bedrooms and gaze down upon their peaceful sleeping faces. They are fed, comfortable, resting and content. I think back on the trials of the day and for a brief moment I recognize that maybe, just maybe, I do know what I am doing after all. At least, I know right now. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.



  1. I remember those days. When things just don't seem to be going right when they are little and you are just trying to make it until they go to sleep at night. You question yourself a lot. But it is definitely worth every second of it (both the good and the bad).

  2. I love watching my kids sleep! That and of course listening to the silence at the same time..LOL Kids deprive us of so much yet they give us so much more :)

  3. Thank you so much for the spotlight, Becky! Every day as a parent is a constant emotional rollercoaster but it is the best ride I have ever been on!

  4. Some days are so exhausting. It's great how the Lord will give you a few shining moments in that day to show you love and grace. Thanks for sharing this story. It's good to see that others face the same struggles.

  5. I'm not a mom, but love all the time I've spent with my two beautiful nieces. To me there's nothing more special than their smiling faces.

  6. ugh- right now i am on vacation with the kids and the VOLUME during the day makes me want to jump off a cliff, lol. but he sure is cute when he's sleeping....

  7. I remember throwing up like crazy then..and survived only on crackers and cheese for 3 months. haha..

  8. This describes what a Mom does so well! Reminds me of those tiring days it was but worth it!


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