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Who Are The Mormons?

With the USA Presidential Election coming up I thought you might like to get better idea of who Mormons are. I'm not endorcing any specific person for President, but since Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and Mormonism is kind of a big issue in the news lately, and since I'm a Mormon, I figured it would be a good idea to help you know a bit more about us.

There's all kinds of false rumors roaming around and I hope this will clear up what's really true about us. None of us profess to be perfect, we're just like everyone else, trying to be the best we can. Since being a Mormon (or a Latter-Day Saint), we love to share the joy and knowledge our faith gives us.

If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them.  I'm not trying to convert you, I just love sharing what I know.  Also, if you want come and listen to the Prophet and Apostles speak,  General Conference is Saturday and Sunday. I promise you that General Conference has something just for you.  To view, click HERE anytime after 10 am MT Saturday October 6th.  God has NOT forgotten us, nor has he left us without teachings for our day.



  1. Becky, your faith and testimony inspire me. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Chrissy, I really miss you and your visits. The other day we brought out our Autumn/Winter bedspread and put it on our bed. I was reminded of a sweet, caring woman who came to my house and painstakingly attached the bedskirt to my bedspread...You are so great!

  2. Very interesting post about your faith, my friend. Also, very timely considering Mr. Mitt Romney is our Presidential candidate!!! Thank you for sharing!

  3. I hope this is able to clarify for many who and what a Mormon is. We all have our religion/religious beliefs - that doesn't make anyone a "special" or "scary" because they may not have the same beliefs - it just makes them human.

    Hopefully that made sense. I'm just so tired of the bashing because some one has one religious belief or another that is different from someone else ...... It's time to get over it - this country was founded at least partly on FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

    1. Religious freedom is so essential to a countries success. History has taught us what happens when religious prejudices run rampant. Thanks for your great comment.

  4. It's good to learn about different faiths. Thank you for educating me.

  5. Always nice to learn more about different faiths :-)

  6. That's a great chart. I'm amazed at how many people still think we don't believe in Christ.

  7. I didn't know Mitt Romney was a Morman,... My Hubs likes him. Although faith doesn't enter into our vote, that is good to know. I think I have mentioned before I thought the Mormans Were great when I went to church with a friend. Very welcoming and helpful to not only those in their faith but to me too!!

    1. Terri, I remember you mentioning about going to church with your Mormon friends. Somehow I missed that you have a travel blog...the buffalo photos are awesome, they are such a powerful animal.

  8. Replies
    1. Karen, hope you have a great Conference weekend!

  9. I really appreciate your sharing this, your faith shines.

    1. Denise, thanks for visiting, it means alot to me that you stop by and comment.

  10. It's not everyday that great people like you go out of the way to explain this in great detail. Thanks for educating in the reality of the Mormon church. I think your moral and family values are the best in the country. And more families need to learn more. It's true, we're not perfect. But to walk in Jesus light is the best heritage I can give my daughter.
    Blessings :)

    1. The legacy of faith you leave your daughter is the greatest blessing a parent can give their child. You are a super mom Barbara.

  11. I was told by one of my Christian friends that, basically, Mormons don't follow God or Jesus. My mom's response was simple and on point: "Then why haven't I ever heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing to the devil or mohammed?" I read a similar post to yours a couple days ago and was astounded...if Gov. Romney truly follows the Mormon way of life, then he's the man we need to bring this country back to where it should be economically and morally! Bless you, Becky!

    1. Yay for your mom...I ♥ her responce. I hope Gov. Romney does follow the teachings he's been raised with. So far I've seen a lot of things that tell me he's on the right track and what our country needs. Thanks for your comment Beth.

  12. Thank you for sharing. Very interesting and informative. I hope you have a great day.

  13. Mormons are some of my favorite people on the planet! I also really like Mitt Romney...thought he did a fantastic job in the debate! Good of you to share specifics on your faith, and we should be a lot better at religious tolerance sometimes, in this fabulous country of ours;)

    1. Thanks Courtney, I didn't see the debate, but heard some good things about Gov. Romney.

  14. Loved how you broke that down for us. I grew up around LDS and used to love going to church.... They were some of the kindest people I have ever known, open and honest, generous of spirit. Mitt Romney's face, that being said, has little to do with the election though I am SURE it has to do with the fact that he has fortitude! He really nailed the debate too.


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