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Jade Louise Designs

One of my favorite blogs to read is:

The other day she posted some information that every woman should know about. Here's a teaser from her post:

Remember the stereotype that women don't know anything about being mechanics and auto repair? Well, I quite resemble those remarks. I'm not completely ignorant, but I would not be able to change my own flat tire. I know what a car jack is, and I know the general idea, but no, I don't think I'd be able to get it installed onto the car, nor do I think I could change the tire by myself.  I do however know how to check the tire pressure and how to refill my tires with air when they get low. But the other important feature that all women need to be educated on, is not just how to change a flat tire...

Click HERE to read her entire post and get informed! 

What kind of auto repairs do you know how to do? 

One thing my Dad required before we could drive, was that we knew how to change a flat came in very handy a few was a cool way to impress all the boys!



  1. How cool, I totally agree with this. In fact, I think that men should know how to cook, clean and do laundry. And women should know the basic handyman skills, and how to take care of the car.

    1. I agree...times sure have changed.

    2. I agree too Ginny! I think Girls AND boys should both have a basic Home Ec and Auto mechanic class as part of the required curriculum in high school.

  2. I know how to dial my husband (he owns his own auto repair shop) and AAA.

    Seriously though, I know how to check the fluid levels in my car, how to change a flat, and put air in my tires. Other than that, nothing!

  3. I love you Becky, you know that right? :)

    I wish I had been required to learn how to change a tire!

    I know how to check tire pressure, fill with air, check the fluids in the engine and associated components, and I know to call my brother the mechanic when the check engine light comes on. lol.

    1. Our 16 year old daughter has asked that we teach her how to do the basic car repairs...she is excited.

      I love you too...

  4. I have no idea how to change a tire. I call AAA and they do it for me thank goodness, or if my Hubs is home, he does it. I am a sissy.

    Kudos to you for being able to do that

    heading over to check out Jade Louise Designs

    1. Terry, I don't even know how to use AAA, so you know how to do more than I do in that

  5. My dad taught me to change a tire. My husband taught me to check and add all the fluids and jump a car battery. We taught my daughter all this she can even change break pads.

  6. A single mom like me definitely has to know everything I need to know about car maintenance. It's a shame I can't change a flat tire. The only thing I can do is check the fluids. I will head on over to Jade Louise Designs now. Thanks :)


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